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Process Server Marketing: 7 Creative Tips

  • March 17, 2012
  • by ServeNow Staff

Process Server MarketingProcess servers who are looking to expand their businesses and those who have recently entered the profession might be looking for ways to reach out to new clients. In a recent article, we gave you tips for marketing your business with introduction letters, but there are many other ways to get connected with potential clients. To help your firm stand out and to boost your process server marketing, you might want to combine your introduction letter with other innovative marketing tactics.


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Here are 7 creative introduction marketing ideas for process servers:

  1. Drop off cases of water with your logo and contact information on the label
    Process servers can relate to paralegals and legal assistants who dart from one place to the other throughout their day. Dropping off cases of water is a great gesture for professionals who are often on the move. Make sure you include your business information, ideally showcasing your logo as the label. There are many cost-effective options for ordering cases of water with your logo on every bottle.
  2. Drop off weekly donuts, bagels or muffins with your logo on them
    Having your logo converted into a large sticker can be helpful for reinforcing your brand. Dropping off donuts on a regular basis is a great opportunity to become a familiar face. When you utilize introduction marketing that requires you to physically go to the office on a regular basis it’s a great way to bring a face to your brand.
  3. Host a wine and cheese party at a local attorney’s office
    Trade shows and meetings are a great place to network, but consider hosting your own event at a local attorney’s office. Few people can resist free treats, and hosting an event gives you the opportunity to shake some hands, get your business name out there and connect on a professional level. Consider ways to incorporate your logo, including it on toothpick flags or napkins, and make sure you bring plenty of business cards.
  4. Sponsor local paralegal and legal assistant events
    If you don’t have the means to host your own party, consider sponsoring a local association event. In exchange for covering the cost of catering, you can request five minutes to talk at the event or hang a banner with your company logo on it. Having an entire association’s attention while you present your company can have a huge impact on your business, especially when it’s a local association.
  5. Connect on social media
    Social media plays a crucial role in process server marketing. Once you’ve identified firms that you want to work with, make sure you connect with them on social media. Liking their business page is a great start, but make sure you are commenting and being active on their page. If you stay engaged, members of the firm will likely remember your name and feel connected to your business; which can come in handy when you reach out to them with an introduction letter and assortment of chocolates. Firms that recognize your brand before you stop by their office are more likely to hire you than those that do not.
  6. Run targeted social media ads
    There’s an aspect of social media marketing that your business might not know about: targeted social media ads. As a part of Facebook’s advertising options, your business can run ads that are targeted to users whose profiles fall within a specific age bracket, occupation or that list certain interests. These give process servers the opportunity to target individuals who have listed their occupation as a paralegal or legal assistant, which ensures that your ads get in front of the people who will benefit from your services.
  7. Write an informational article about process serving
    Guest writing in any forum is a great way to get your name in front of your peers and potential clients, but you should also consider writing a piece for those looking to hire a process server. Put together an article or flyer that defines the top five things paralegals should look for when hiring a process server and including it with your introduction letter.

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