A Case Study on Process Server Marketing
- December 12, 2011
- by ServeNow Staff
- Marketing
According to Forbes Magazine, 70% of consumers turn to online search to find local businesses. This means that most people are finding businesses through location-specific searches like "Las Vegas Process Servers." If you're not showing up when someone searches your city and "process servers", your business name is only reaching 30% of potential clients, and that's if you're doing everything else right. But for those who are busy serving and don't have time for the lengthy and ongoing process of submitting to local search, Lawgical Local is a great option.
What is hyper-localization?
Hyper-localization is the combined use of Lawgical Local, Lawgical Sites, and listing on the ServeNow Network. This strategy helps ServeNow clients achieve a higher rank in Google Places and organic search results. Over the past year, Google results have shifted to put a major emphasis on Google Places. Places profiles are denoted by lettered markers in the search results. Lawgical Local, a core part of hyper-localization, aims to help ServeNow clients achieve better marketing results in their local areas of service.
To give you a better example of how hyper-localization can help boost rankings, we talked to Professional Process Service about their experience working with ServeNow and the changes they've seen in their business since optimizing their local search. Their company covers the state of Connecticut.
To illustrate the effect hyper-localization can have on results, we've provided an image showing Google search results for 'New Haven Process Servers.' Perlmutter ranks first in local search and comes up as seven of the ten organic search results. All of these rankings have been boosted with their hyper-localization package.
Questions with Professional Process Service
I was looking for more work and I wasn't happy with my ranking. Most of my work comes from out of state and I needed the exposure.
It took well over 2 months for Google to pick us up. The amount of work coming from out-of-state process servers has gone through the roof.
How much do you invest in marketing?
7% of my revenue is spent on marketing. The bulk of it is going to ServeNow. If I want to invest $200 per month in marketing, 6 extra serves make up for it, which is manageable considering my work increase.