The PAAPRS campaign promotes assault awareness and protective regulations for process servers. Focused on raising awareness, the campaign brings to light the hidden dangers in serving legal documents—from aggressive reactions and threats to physical violence and even death.
The role of a process server is to preserve every American's right to due process. Without being served notice by a process server, a court case or legal issue could advance without your knowledge, resulting in financial, emotional, or proprietary losses.
PAAPRS provides national coverage of assault incidents in addition to educational resources and a forum for process servers to share their experiences. The Map of Process Server Assaults provides a snapshot of recent incidents, and support badges allow individuals to show their support for process server safety.
Through videos, discussions, legislation guides, and other resources, PAAPRS helps educate process servers on safety tactics and also offers assistant to organizations who are pushing for regulations that will provide protection for process servers.
Join over 1,000 signees in petitioning to make assault on a process server a felony in every state.
Sign Today!
Erin's List is a growing tool for process servers to submit and review reported incidences to promote the safety of process servers. Erin's List was created to honor Erin McClesky, who tragically died while serving process in Texas.
Erin's List is built specifically to empower process servers by expanding awareness of dangerous situations and safety concerns in the hope of reducing process server assault. This tool is driven by individual contributions, so help improve the safety of fellow servers by reporting any troublesome encounters you may experience. Process servers should also incorporate this tool into their regular routine, or use the ServeManager + Erin's List integration to ensure that the next address they visit does not have any previous problems with civil procedure.
The PAAPRS campaign provides a visual snapshot of the growing issue of process server assault with the below map. Each balloon represents an assault on a process server that has been featured on the news, reported to police, or submitted by individual process servers. To add an assault, complete the form. For further coverage of your experience, send an email to submissions@serve-now.com.
Click on a red balloon to find out more about the incident.
The below resources were created with the help and input of process servers and association leaders from across the country. This information offers a national overview of legislation, steps association leaders are taking to remedy this issue, and tips to help prevent future assaults from occurring.
Illinois, California, and Florida have passed laws protecting process servers from assault. Many other states have similar legislation proposed. Find out what's happening in your state.
In a compelling video discussion, industry leaders present an in-depth analysis of process server assault and how this issue affects members of the profession. Watch now.
NAPPS has been instrumental in supporting state associations as they work toward achieving further protection for process servers in their areas. Most recently, NAPPS aided Illinois in passing legislation making an assault on a process server a felony.
PSACO held an emergency meeting after a recent process server assault. Additionally, President Steve Glenn and the PSACO board looked into getting assault laws changed to protect process servers. A recent meeting included a discussion among members of how to stay safe.
WSPSA took verbiage to the legislation in Washington last year, but due to the economy, the legislature did not hear the piece. Process servers in the state are working to keep the issue abreast, and WSPSA believes the change will go through this year. WSPSA Executive Director Eric Vennes provides more detail in a video.
Within New Jersey, process server assault awareness is at the forefront of process server issues. With a bill pending which would make an assault against a process server a felony and NJPPSA hosting a Self-Defense seminar, the state is working hard to raise awareness and protect servers.
North Carolina process servers, like those in many states, have run into issues in trying to gain support from the local sheriff's association. NCAPPS currently holds education and training sessions that focus on diffusing tense situations and staying safe.
Arizona Association of Certified Process Servers has strived to promote protection and education for servers everywhere. We are promoting proposed assault legislation for the 2013 session at the Arizona State Legislature. With these efforts also come positive press and an outreach for servers to use tools to protect themselves in the field and deter assaults. We will support PAAPRS and its brilliant efforts for nationwide awareness in reducing assaults on process servers. Won't you join in these efforts?
The Mid Atlantic Association of Professional Process Servers is working to bring process server assault and prevention into the forefront. Currently, MAAPPS is developing a comprehensive component to its educational program to enhance awareness and increase assault prevention safety skills. MAAPPS has gained some support from a few legislators and is seeking to move to promote a change in legislation.
Mississippi process servers have incurred difficulty in getting harsher protection laws for process servers. Current certification courses address process server safety and the importance of professionalism. The association is working to raise awareness about the issue.
The California Association of Legal Support Professionals was one of the first process serving associations to obtain (in 1983 via Assembly Bill 1724) tougher penalties for those who are convicted of assault or battery against a process server. In addition, our Assault Advisor helps members who may have been assaulted or battered, by providing support and advice on how best to move their case forward. Recently, we've decided to step up our efforts yet again! In late 2012/early 2013, we'll begin a campaign to introduce ourselves and our profession to district attorneys throughout California and we'll also begin working on a letter that we intend to send to the prosecutor and arresting officer on behalf of any member that has an assault or battery case pending. It's up to all of us, we believe, to stand up for process servers who every day, are on the front lines providing the notice that is such a vital component of our legal system.
If you are a California process server, please read CALSPro's assault and safety tips: Words of Advice on Preventing and Dealing With Assault
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For more information about PAAPRS, media inquiries, article requests, and other information, Contact ServeNow.com.