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Become a New York Process Server
There is not a statewide license requirement, but there are local process serving requirements. For example, the City of New York requires that all individuals looking to serve the five (5) boroughs area (Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx, Staten Island, and Queens) must be licensed through the New York City Department of Consumer Affairs. For the areas that require licensing, a Process Server Individual License is required for a person who serves five or more processes in any one-year period. Attorneys admitted to practice in New York State and government employees that serve process as part of their job are exempt from this licensing requirement.
New York process servers are required to keep electronic records for each serve, including a GPS location time-stamp. ServeManager is DCA compliant and captures your GPS information for you. Service is not permitted on Sundays, or on Saturdays for individuals who observe Saturdays as a holy day.
Provide a background check. Remember that you must have a clean record in order to be a licensed process server.
Provide a passport-sized photo. If you’re submitting in-person, you can have your photograph taken at the DCA Licensing Center for free. For online submissions, you can upload the image file with digital passport photo quality.
Purchase a New York Process Server Bond. A New York Process Server Bond is a surety bond that aims to protect both the courts and clients. It’s similar to insurance for them only it’s paid for by the process server. In New York, a Process Server Bond needs to be in the amount of $10,000 for individuals or $100,000 for agencies. Your credit score largely affects the amount you pay for your bond and applicants with good credit can generally secure their bond at a rate of 1-4%. Poor credit could result in the applicant having to pay up to 15% of the total bond amount.
Pay licensing fees. See the table below for payment information.
Submit your completed application. In-person applications can be filed at the DCA Licensing Center between 9 am and 5 pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, and on Wednesday from 8:30 am to 5 pm. License applications will generally be issued within two weeks.
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ServeManager® is the #1 process server software—and it's actually easy to use. Create your account in less than a minute and begin streamlining your serves today. Start a 14-day free trial now (no credit card required)
Fee Information
Date when you applied:
Your fee:
Between 3/1 in an even year and 8/31 in an even year
Between 9/1 in an even year and 2/28 in an odd year
Between 3/1 in an odd year and 8/31 in an odd year
Between 9/1 in an odd year and 2/28 in an even year
$85 or $425*
*If you are applying within six months of the license expiration date, you can pay the prorated fee for the remaining license term plus the full fee to renew the license for the next term. If you pay both fees, you will not need to renew the license until the end of the next license period.
A 2.49% convenience fee is added if you submit your application and paperwork online. The license term is two years and expires on 2/28 on even years.
NOTE: The requirements to become a process server change from time to time. You should contact your local county clerk or recorder to make sure the following information regarding becoming a process server in your state is still accurate.
Help us stay current. If you know of changes to legislation that affect process serving serving in your state, please
let us know.