Lease a relevant domain name for an existing website, or for a website you are ready to build! Local domains start at $19.95/month. State domains are priced higher.
Starting at $19.95/month
(Discounts for ServeNow Members)
Get an optimized, mobile-friendly, custom branded website to go with your domain! Save $100 on set-up fee ($199) and $10 on monthly subscription when you bundle.
Starting at $34.90/month
(Also receive $100 off website set-up fee)
Already have a domain? You can still get an optimized, mobile-friendly, custom branded website for your domain! Call us today for the latest discounts.
Starting at $24.95/month
$299 set-up fee
Leasing a relevant domain can help your clients find you faster on the web or make your URL more user-friendly. Our location-specific domains are a great way to be noticed online and immediately answer the questions: "What does this company do and are they located near me?"
Domains are available on a first-come, first-serve basis and even though a domain might be available per the list, it's possible it has already been reserved. Domains that have already been leased are denoted with "not available" next to them. After you have found the domain you want, contact us or reserve your domain to claim your domain.
Click here to reserve your domain today.